Does the library have leisure reading?


The library does have some books that are considered leisure reading within our collection. Floors 7 and 8 of Cravens library have books beginning with call numbers PR and PS, English and American Literature. Floor 9 has call numbers beginning with PZ, Children's and Young Adult literature. 

The library only has a small fiction section so we recommend that students and faculty see the public library for more leisure reading. The Warren County Public Library (WCPL) can be used by any WKU students no matter your place of permanent residency. You can take your student ID to the public library to get a library card for free.

This is a link to the WCPL website: 

The main branch of the public library is located a couple blocks from campus at 1225 State St, Bowling Green, KY 42101 for information on other branch locations see the WCPL website.

  • Last Updated Sep 28, 2023
  • Views 60
  • Answered By Wren Pierce

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