I have a citation. How do I find the full text article?


You can find full text articles based on the title or journal information in a citation:

Here is an example of a citation for a scholarly article:

Rogerson, Peter A. “Statistical Evidence for Long-Range Space-Time Relationships between Large Earthquakes.” Journal of Seismology 22, no. 6 (November 2018): 1423–35. doi:10.1007/s10950-018-9775-4.

1. To search by title, use the WKU Libraries search box and paste in the title of your article. Look for a link that says "Download PDF" or "Available Online."

2. To search by journal, click the link for "Journal Title Search" on the library homepage, located below the main search box. Search for the name of the journal (example: Journal of Seismology). 

  • Look for a green "Online Access" link. 
  • If we have access, use the link provided to go to the database or publisher’s page, then go to the appropriate year, volume, and issue to find the article you want (example: volume 2, number 6).


No luck? Request your article from Interlibrary Loan at no cost. 


  • Last Updated Jul 08, 2021
  • Views 98
  • Answered By VACANT VACANT

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