How do I print from a laptop or personal device?



Printing set up: You must be on WKU-Secure or WKU-Wireless wifi (not WKU-Guest). 

  1. The first time you print you need to download an app or configure your device. Go to > Print Wirelessly 
  2. The webpage will detect the device's operating system and provide instructions for your operating system
  • Windows: download, install, run Mobility Print
  • macOS: add printer "Secure AirPrint"
  • iOS: click "share > print" and select "richohprinters Virtual Queue"
  • Android: install Mobility Print app
  • Chromebook: install Mobility Print app
  1. If prompted for Username and Password, use your NetID credentials. 
  2. Users will print to ricohprinters Virtual Queue

View your print balance:

Print from a lab computer:

  1. Use RicohPrinters on topperprint (not _driver RicohPrinters LPT)
  2. If that printer does not appear as an option, use the search bar in the bottom left. Type \\topperprint\ and select \\topperprint\RicohPrinters
  3. Click to install.
  4. Print

Color printing:

  1. Select RicohPrinters on topperprint (not _driver RicohPrinters LPT)
  2. Scroll down to “Print using system dialog”
  3. Select the RicohPrinters on topperprint and click “Preferences”
  4. Change Color mode from Black and White to Color
  5. Print.



  • Last Updated Oct 04, 2023
  • Views 547
  • Answered By VACANT VACANT

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