How do I place an item on Course Reserve? Where do I find Course Reserve items?


Course Reserves are located at the Cravens 4th floor Circulation desk, or online in Blackboard. 

Instructors: to place an item on reserve, use the Reserve Request Form

Students: your instructor may have placed a textbook or other course materials on reserve. Course reserve materials can be checked our for short term loans (usually 2-24 hours only). 

To find out if an item has been placed on Course Reserve, go to the One-Search Library CatalogClick "Advanced Search," then select Course Reserves. You can search by title, course number, or instructor name.

screenshot of advanced search with course reserves radio button selected.

screenshot of list of courses with materials on reserve

For more information contact Circulation Services

  • Last Updated Jul 08, 2021
  • Views 113
  • Answered By VACANT VACANT

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