How many items can I take out on loan? How long can I keep them?

How many items can I take out on loan? How long can I keep them?


For more information on Circulation policies see the Circulation Services web page, or call the Circulation Desk at (270) 745-3951.
Books: no limit
  • Students, Friends of the Libraries, Alumni Association members: four weeks
  • Faculty: one semester

Audiovisual materials: 10 items per format at a time:

  • Students, Friends of the Libraries, Alumni Association members: 7 days
  • Faculty: 7 days
  • Renewals can either be made at the libraries or  online .  There are no telephone renewals.  Items on hold or recall may not be renewed.  Faculty, staff, and students may renew items for a total of 24 months online before the items must be brought into the library to be renewed in person.  Friends and other types of patrons have a maximum of 12 months before the items must be brought in. Library staff will assist patrons in retrieving or returning library items and provide reasonable accommodations as needed. Please ask at the Circulation Desk or call 270-745-3951 for more information.
  • Last Updated Jan 11, 2021
  • Views 135
  • Answered By

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