How can I find scholarly articles on my topic through WKU Libraries?

How can I find scholarly articles on my topic through WKU Libraries?


The quickest way is to enter your search terms in the One-Search box in the middle of the library home page.

  • Enter search terms for your topic (such as "artificial intelligence" or  "personal finance") in the big search box.
  • Click the search icon and a list of results will come up: articles, books, and other materials related to your subject.
  • Follow the links to find full text when available, or to find the location of books and other physical materials in the library.
  • Click "Peer-Reviewed Journals" under Availability to limit your results to scholarly journal articles.

You can also use our Subject Guides to find databases specializing in your topic. The Research Guides also include suggestions for books, journals, and resources on the web.

There is also a free tutorial available from the library on Finding Scholarly / Peer-Reviewed Articles.


  • Last Updated Nov 15, 2021
  • Views 536
  • Answered By

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